Friday, July 23, 2010

Donate $2 For Breast Cancer get a cool bracelet!

I don't have breast cancer myself but the subject is very near and dear to my heart, as I know several women who do. Spencer gifts has currently teamed up with several breast cancer awareness organizations including "Boobies make me smile", "Keep a breast", "YSC", "i[2]y" and "The stupid cancer show" to educate and support over 1 million young Americans.100% of the proceeds of a $2 donation will go to these organizations. In return for your donation you get one of these really cool bracelets pictured below. To read more or donate please visit and be sure to follow the army at

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sleepy Robot 13 Interview from

You can read the full feature here

What were the first creations you made?
"Action figures of my friends. My first detailed creation was an action figure of my best friend Vanessa called the "Napkin Ninja."

Which do you prefer, toast or robots?
"Hmm, that's actually really tough to answer. They are both items that should really not have personalities due to the havoc they could wreak upon the earth... I think that's why I like making them so much! It's definitely a tie."

How did you first get the idea to create zombie toast?
"A friend of mine has toast every morning for breakfast. Wanting to try something different one day, she put a piece of dark rye bread in her toaster. When it came out, the 1st thing that came to mind is that it looked like zombified toast. After that, whenever she made toast I'd ask her if she was making "Zombie Toast". A few weeks later I made my first zombie toast figure and gave it to her as a birthday gift. He still sits in her kitchen to this day."

Most influential zombie moment?
"Dead Alive! Not much beats killing zombies with a lawnmower!"

Favorite zombie book, movie, game?
"Zombie Book: World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks
Movie: Shaun of the dead (I love comedy and I love zombies)
Game: I really liked the Resident Evil games up until the rail shooter..."

If you were bitten, would you want shot or left to change?
"I would change but then I would want to be shot just so I can see what it feels like."

If we were making a toy of you, would you be a zombie or survivor and what accessories would you come with?
"I would be a zombie and my accessories would include a turkey baster, licorice intestines and a clown with no head."

No Comic-con for Sleepy Robot 13

Yesterday I started getting quite a few emails and direct messages on Twitter asking my booth number for this years Comic-con. I'm not sure how the rumor got started, but sadly I will not be at Comic-con this year. I just couldn't afford a booth, maybe next year. I am however 99% sure I will have a booth this November at Designer Con in Pasadena, CA. I want to apologize to everyone who emailed/messaged me that were hoping to check out Sleepy Robot 13 merch at Comic-con.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

4 Day Only Sale!

I've been getting a lot of emails from you guys wanting me to run more sales, well here ya go! July 11 through July 14th get 20% off your entire order from Sleepy Robot 13. Doesn't matter if it's one item or 100 your entire order is 20% off! Just type the word "Summer" into the order comments and 20% of your order total will be refunded. Tell all your friends!

Click here to visit Shop

*20% is applied to order subtotal(excludes shipping cost). 20% of your order subtotal will be refunded via Pay Pal once payment has been received. The code "Summer" must be typed in either the order comments or Pay Pal message to receive discount. If the code summer is not present somewhere in your order the discount will NOT be applied. Offer only valid on orders placed 7/11/2010- 7/14/2010. Discount applied to regular online orders only. Discount not valid for custom orders.

Click here to visit shop

Synergy Magazine Article

Recently Sleepy Robot 13 was featured in an issue of the Australian magazine Synergy. You can find a copy of the article below on page 142.

Synergy magazine is an unusual publication dedicated to the exploration of the diverse world of cinema and entertainment. We are one of the largest sources of genre cinema reviews in Australia, offering content from around the globe. Synergy is packed with articles, features, news, reviews, and commentary. They also offer regular reviews of music, unusual toys, collectibles, Urban Vinyl and Plush, books, magazines – all sorts of strange and intriguing things you won’t find anywhere else!

Synergy is available in a print and digital edition. The digital edition of Synergy is free and released in Adobe Acrobat every two months.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Win a Zombie Robot as part of the Undead Bazaar

I recently had a chance to take part in the Zombies & ToysUndead bazaar. Zombies and toys are featuring several amazing handmade artists and giving you a chance to win some of their items. Currently you have a chance to win one of my Zombie Robots.

To enter follow this link or send an email to Entries must be received by July 23, 2010.

While your there Please check out the feature/Interview I did for the site Here!

Etsy Selling Tip 5:"Tag Your it!"

Tags! Tags are one of the smallest, but most important ways to get someone to find your items. There are so many tags that can be used to describe your unique item(s) on Etsy (as well as flickr.) Usually when tagging an item I first browse the suggested tags listed under the chosen category for my item. I post a lot in the Geekery category. My top 3 tags I select from the suggestions are: Robots (duh lol), Toys, and weird. After I have selected from the suggested tags I add my own. For example lets say I was adding tags to the item listed below, my "Happy Birthday Robot.

Tags I may include for this item would be Birthday, Gift, Silver, Cute, Fun, and Unique. I always recommend adding the main color of your item as a tag. You'd be amazed how many people just search by color. If your item is on of a kind (OOAK) add that as a tag! You should also put your shop name as a tag as well, It makes it easier for people to find your items via search engines like Google shopping.

Everyone has their own unique way to tag. The best thing you can do is look around at other established sellers and see what type of tags they are using on their items.