Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who the heck customs a dog toy???... Apparently me.

I was at the a pet store recently with Butters to find him a good brush because he has been shedding like crazy lately! While in the dog toy isle I came across these "Bad/Good Cuz". I had seen these toys before when I worked in a kennel as a vet assistant, but hadn't given them much thought. For some reason they caught my eye and I thought "I need to paint those!" Vinyls, vinyl right? So I bought a few (They were actually pretty cheap. Depending upon size between $3-$10) After screwing up the 1st and a little more trial and error you can see what I came up with below. I found the surface to be kinda tacky. I had to wash them off twice before I could get the paint to really stick. I add some additional parts modeled out of polymer clay (Much like you would a munny) All in all these were pretty fun. I may make more in the future.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Som of my Favorite Custom Orders to date

I began taking custom orders in early December of last year. The 1st couple I got were kinda plain, but lately people that have been contacting me for customs have been coming up with some great concepts that were a lot of fun to make. I figured I'd share a few of them here.

Easter Robot eating a chocolate bunny

Robot Earbuds (Wanted it to look like robot was crawling through her ears)

Robot lovers necklaces (Connect with magnets)

Panda Bot Holding a kawaii noodle

Super Hero Robot with glow in the dark underpants eating pizza

"Saw" Movie loving robot holding a glow in the dark dvd case

Book Reading Robot

Robot in a Dragon suite (My favorite so far)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alice? ... The Alice?

I recently posted pictures of a few Alice in Wonderland figures I had been working on. I decided to do one more. I give you "The Cheshire Robot." It was fun trying to make a cat but still keep it robot looking...if that makes any sense???. Also many people ha told me the Alice robot would look better with hair...So I gave her some hair! lol.

Stay tuned for new Robots coming soon!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cute New Robot for my display

I just bought this little guy to put on my table to greet people during craft shows and conventions.He hasn't been delivered yet but I'm already excited! He's "The Bot-ster" from Hasbro/tiger electronics. They were released in 2002 as part of the Robo-Chi series. I have been looking for one for a very long time as they are no longer in production. Luckily this weekend I found one on ebay brand new still in it's original box for $10 + shipping. He talks, sings, moves his arms and legs, and changes his facial expressions. I think he will be a great addition to may display.


FREE SHIPPING all day today 3/15/2010 on all orders to the continental United States. Type "Freeship" into comments/message section during checkout and receive a refund of your shipping cost via Pay Pal. TO receive free shipping you must have your order shipping to a location in the continental United States and type the code "Freeship" into the comment section. If code is not present free shipping will not be given.

Sleepy Robot 13 Shop

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Your Feedback Is Important!

Hey guys your feedback is very important to me. Please take the time to fill out the poll below. If there isn't answer there that you want, please feel free to leave a comment on this posting. Thanks!
What would you like to see from Sleepy Robot 13?
More Movie Themed Robots
More Monster figures
New Toast figures
A female zombie toast
Food themed figures
Robot zipper pulls
More robot jewelry
Robots in different colors
Other (Please leave in comments of this post)
pollcode.com free polls

Monday, March 8, 2010

Robots and Sea Monsters and Ninjas, Oh My! Cirque Imaginaire Preview

On Saturday March 27th I will be a part of the Cirque Imaginaire:Traveling Art Gallery. I've been working lately on pieces specifically for this show as well as for my Etsy shop. I really love color and I felt that a lot of my most recent work has been lacking in it. Here are a few of the new figures I have been working on. Many are one of a kind. Some are available on Etsy now, but most of them will be for sale during Cirque Imaginaire.

One Eyed Monster June

Glow In the Dark Funky Panda

"Will Work 4 Love" Robot

One Eyed Sea Monster Mertle

It always rains on Sad Robot

Heartbroken Robot

The Boy In The Robot Pajamas

Death Jr. Grim Reaper Robot

Bad Kawaii Ninja

Sunshine Robot

If your in or near the Northeast Ohio Area Cirque Imaginaire: The Traveling Art Gallery will take place Saturday March 27th at the Sachsenheim Hall - Cleveland
7001 Denison Avenue 4:00pm-9:00pm (or later!).

Featuring 25+ Local Artists and Musical Appearances from:
Casual Encounters
+ more!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Freebie Friday!

All day today 3/5/2010 only everything in my Sleepy Robot 13 shop is Buy 2 Get One FREE!!! Just add three items to your cart and check out as you normally would. Once payment is recieved you will be issued a refund via Pay Pal for your 3rd equal or lowest priced item. Take advantage and tell all your friends! I don't plan on doing a Bogo Free sale again for a long time!

Sleepy Robot 13

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"We're All Mad Here"

So this past week I had some extra time so I decided to work on some more movie themed robots and to test out a new type of clay that I bought. I'm not too pleased with it. It was too soft and oily. It also didn't hold shape too well. Anyways With the release of the remake of Alice in Wonderland quickly approaching, it seemed like the obvious choice. I like the way the Mad Hatter turned out, but I'm thinking of remaking Alice. Tell me what you think (:

Mad Hatter Robot

Alice in Wonderland Robot

The following robot has nothing to do with Alice in Wonderland. I decided to make him after seeing the trailer for the movie Cop Out for the millionth time on TV.

FBI Robot